Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Seasons of Life...Finding joy in the Barren

"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

"Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, For wisdom and power belong to Him. It is He who changes the times and the epochs." (Daniel 2:20-21)

I will be honest winter has not always been my favorite season. For a Canadian, this probably is not cooth to say. But, in comparison to the other seasons, winter can appear dreary. After all, in the spring there are birds chirping, the smell of fresh cut grass and a symbol of beginnings (yes you can probably hear in the background "These are a few of my favorite things") In the summer, the days are longer and I feel carefree. The fall, is probably my favorite season with it's bright breathtaking colors. The winter has in the past symbolized death.
I have changed my outlook on this season, that I once viewed as the "death of summer" and now have come to view even Winter in a positive light. The seasons are all beautiful and unique in their own way. Even the barrenness of winter can be seen as beautiful. I parallel this to the seasons of our life. Take a tree for example. As a tree goes through seasons it is obvious that it loses it's beauty. It does appear that in the winter it is dead and only but a skeletal reminder of what it once was. To human eyes, it looks barren. This is not so. In the spring it brings forth new life and beauty erases the memory of winter. This is how we are. We constantly go through new seasons. God orchestrates behind the scenes and if we are in Christ, we will yield fruit in due season.
God changes the seasons. He brings the fall, the winter, the summer and the spring all at the right time. He does this with our seasons of life as well.
So be patient. If you are going through a season of your life, that seems barren, or you feel as though you are trekking through the desert, it is not vain. Trust in the Lord and do not lose heart, seek the Lord and do not despair. You will see Him in the land of the living) (Psalm 27:13-14

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